Sunday, December 20, 2015

Start Your Engines!

The Sixth Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge has begun.  Between now and March 20th, everything I paint will be uploaded to the Painting Challenge blog for review and judgment a few days before it appears in its finished form here; I may still post some WIP shots here as I go.  I've set myself the fairly humble goal of 400 points, which would equal 80 28mm figures on foot assembled, painted and based.  I have something like 40 figures already assembled and primed.

I'm taking my time and working slowly but steadily; I've got basecoats drying on a pair of figures right now that I'd like to get as close to completed as possible today to start me off.

However, an interesting complication: I have been asked to provide a short story of 10,000 words for an upcoming anthology, for which I will be paid.  The story must be complete by March 16th.

So I'm going to be splitting my creative energies between painting and writing this winter.  I think I'm going to have a real good time with all of this.


  1. Thank you, Michael! I'm off to a good start, and once today's work finishes drying in the varnish box I'll be taking photos for the blog.
