Saturday, February 1, 2025

More Modern Figures

After finishing that unit of White Russians, I needed a palate cleanser so I picked out a few of the modern/zombie apocalypse survivor type figures I've got in my primed box.

First up is "Cobra" from Hasslefree Miniatures, but we know exactly who this is. The iconic Snake Plissken from "Escape From New York," played by Kurt Russell. This is the second figure sculpted in Kurt Russell's likeness I have in my collection, because I also have a "wink wink, *not* Jack Burton" that Hasslefree sells. 

Next up is "Monique," also from Hasslefree - wearing nursing scrubs and reloading a revolver. My wife briefly had to wear scrubs for a front desk medical job she held, and I based the colors on a set she had owned. 

"Rihanna" is another Hasslefree figure, described on the site as having waited out the first few weeks of the zombie apocalypse at an airboat tour office, surrounded by increasingly-less-hungry alligators, seemingly immune to the infection. 

Finally, an unnamed cartel soldier from Brigade Games' "Drug War Z" line. I really like the personality to this line of sculpts, and this guy's cringing posture is great. 

And I just realized I didn't paint anybody's belt buckles. Guess I'm going in to fix that later!

Figures Purchased in 2025: 27

Figures Painted in 2025: 21


  1. Nice work on these Bill...Hasslefree and Brigade both do some beautiful figures....

    1. Thank you, and they really do. I'll have to pick up more of the Drug War Z range especially - some of my favorite sculpts from Brigade.

  2. Lovely work. I've always been a huge fan of Hasslefree's sculpts, so I always enjoy when people do such nice jobs on them!

    1. Thank you! They’re great sculpts - shame Kev got poached by the Evil Empire. They’re the only figures I’ve seen demonstrating proper trigger discipline!
