Sunday, January 12, 2025

First Finished Figures of 2025

 I've managed to finish up my first handful of figures for 2025:

First up, we have a five-figure "Mercenary Fire Team" from Wargames Foundry's "Street Violence" range. I went for a simple color scheme with these - olive drab trousers, black T-shirts, red berets. These were slightly frustrating along the way - no matter how many times I went over them, I kept finding little bits of excess metal from the molding process. It was like they kept sprouting new bits! 

Secondly, I delved into a container of figures I'd primed...years...ago and pulled out a pair of Pulp Figures "Sinister Spies." On the website, Bob lists these as "Mr. M" and "Jasper Gutworth," and they're pretty plainly inspired by Peter Lorre and Sydney Greenstreet, respectively. 

These painted up fast and easy - from touching up the primer to being finished with basing applied in only about 2 1/2 hours or so. And you can't get away with painting Mr. Lorre without painting his famous eyes, so I committed myself to trying to paint the eyes on both of them, and I think it worked out well. 

I'm anticipating these two shady characters turning up in various Interwar-set games.

Speaking of...

I placed an order yesterday for more Copplestone Castings "Back of Beyond" figures - enough to round out a pair of small forces for the White Russians and Warlord Chinese, expanding on figures already in my leadpile. In my defense, Brigade Games is having a "Winter Blahs" sale, and I didn't need *that* many figures to get myself to 4 units apiece. The White Russians will be two units of infantry, a small cadre of Cossack horsemen, and a crewed field gun. Meanwhile, the Chinese will be two units of infantry, a Maxim gun team and a "Sutton Skunk" - an armored tractor that mercenary Frank "One-Armed Sutton" designed as a mobile mortar platform with plans to sell to the warlords. There's no evidence it ever got past the prototype stage, but Company B offers a Skunk model and it's too much fun not to include. Both of these will get expanded later, but this gives me a solid starting point. Once these are painted I'll start buying Bolsheviks, British, etc. 

Figures Purchased in 2025: 27

Figures Painted in 2025: 7

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Back to the Back of Beyond

 So you know how I resolved to try and focus my attention strictly on one period for wargaming? I was going to stick to modern urban skirmishes?

Yeah, I think on some level we all knew that wasn't going to last.

A few days ago, I started getting the powerful urge to return to historical wargaming - and specifically, what was sort of my roots as a non-GW wargamer: Colonial and Victorian-era wargaming. While Games Workshop was my introduction to the idea of wargaming, not being able to afford a 2000-pt WHFB army as a teenager eventually led me to discovering other wargames. And having grown up reading Jules Verne and H. Rider Haggard, I swiftly gravitated towards "Steampunk"/Victorian Science Fiction games. Long gone now, but 18-ish years ago I had a couple of small British and German forces for Buck Surdu's G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. rules complete with whimsical steam-powered tanks. I'm not interested in games of native-bashing, but small forces of Europeans with native allies squabbling over territory? I'm absolutely into that. 

So I started looking at Wargames Foundry's Darkest Africa line, and Copplestone Castings' continuation of that line, thinking about wargaming the Scramble for Africa. And I started looking at rulesets such as Chris Peers' "In The Heart of Africa" and "Death in the Dark Continent." I also pulled Wiley Games' "Bigger Battles" supplement for Fistful of Lead down off my shelf and gave it a flipthrough. 

And then I decided I wanted to try and push back, rein it in, and try and hold to my resolution - cut back on what I'm buying instead of dumping more lead into my backlog! Telling myself no is...challenging.

I had to remind myself that I have a nice backlog of historical figures in my project boxes and I could maybe dig those out and start work on them to scratch this historical itch.

This morning I dug into my "Interwar/Pulp" box and pulled out a half-dozen or so blisters of Copplestone Castings "Back of Beyond" figures - that intersection of the Russian Civil War and the Chinese Warlord Period that I've wargamed a little bit in the past. Tonight, I sorted them out by faction, put aside the ones that are half-painted that need to be stripped and redone, and put the remainder of my White Russians on the project bench. 

My hobby time tonight was spent cleaning mold lines (and the mold lines were severe - I love the Copplestone Castings lines, but my god they need a mold refresh!) and gluing figures to Renedra round bases. 

I've got a unit of 10 White Russian soldiers, 3 officers, and 3 Cossack horsemen cleaned up and ready for priming, and a field gun that is ready for assembly. I probably would have gotten the field gun assembled, but the cat was suddenly at my feet yelling that his bowl was empty and I was overdue for giving him his evening treats/medication. 

Sooooo...maybe I amend my 2025 gaming resolutions and split my attention between the Back of Beyond and the modern skirmishes. 

Figures Purchased in 2025: 0

Figures Painted in 2025: 0

Friday, January 3, 2025

Law & Order Arrives

 So these were ordered prior to the turn of the year, and so don't count towards my "Figures Purchased in 2025" tally, but I picked up a couple of packs of SWAT agents from Wargames Foundry's "Street Violence" line, and a SWAT Explosive Ordinance Disposal specialist with bomb-disposal robot from The Assault Group to bring some law and order to my wargaming streets. I purchased these together through Badger Games here in the USA. 

I also picked up a pair of 1/56 scale "Bearcat" armored rescue vehicles to ferry them to and from the scene of the various crimes. These were from Company B Models, and I also ordered some decals from them to give these a finishing touch. These are solid resin bodies with metal bits to glue on - wheels, running boards, lights, front grill, etc. They also look like they'll fit perfectly on 50x100mm bases to better protect the wheels and the like from damage. 

Now to start cleaning up and basing the figures and getting the Bearcats washed and air bubbles filled; priming is still some ways away because the weather has taken a turn for the polar this week, so nothing's going outside - including myself if I can help it! 

That's all for today. Hoping the New Year continues to treat you all well!

Figures Purchased in 2025: 0

Figures Painted in 2025: 0

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Fistful of Lead: Bring Me The Head of Big Nick!

 Happy New Year, gentle readers! In keeping with my goal of playing at least two games, solo or otherwise, every month in 2025, I got the dining room table cleared off (we never actually eat at the table, so it quickly becomes a catch-all site) and set myself up with a modern game of Fistful of Lead. Here we have two rival gangs - one a Mexican cartel group, and the other a group of Hell's Angels-style bikers - out for each other's blood, using the "Head Hunting" scenario from Wiley Games' "Wasteland Warriors" supplement. Since I had more cartel soldiers than I had bikers, the bikers became the defenders in the scenario, with the cartel's goal being to kill the biker leader "Big Nick." To that end, they've tracked Big Nick's gang to this trailer park...

The Los Lobos gang deployed in cover behind the Taco Truck, and are as follows:

  • Carlos (Leader; Leader, Steady, Inspiring, Encouraging), armed with a Pistol
  • Javier (Specialist; Eagle-Eyed, Killer), armed with an Automatic Rifle
  • Ramon (Regular; Sprinter), armed with a Modern Rifle
  • Michael (Regular; Sniper), armed with a Modern Rifle
  • Hector (Regular; Observant), armed with a Pistol
  • Marcus (Regular; Dodge), armed with a Pistol
L to R: Ramon, Marcus, Javier, Carlos, Hector and Michael

Meanwhile, the Satan's Sadists biker gang deployed spread out, in cover in two trailers and crouching behind the hummer in the car port. They consisted of:

  • Big Nick (Leader; Leader, Tough as Nails, Impervious, Cold-Blooded), armed with a Submachine Gun
  • Grill (Specialist; Stealthy, Deadeye), armed with a Flamethrower
  • Legs (Regular; Quick), armed with a Shotgun
  • Hogan (Regular; Loads of Ammo), armed with an Automatic Rifle
  • Barbie (Regular; Killer), armed with a Submachine Gun
Big Nick keeps Barbie close by

Grill lurks in the car port

Legs and Hogan watch from cover in the other trailer

Per the scenario, the game goes for a semi-random number of turns, between 6 and 10, before the noise of the fight brings authorities to the scene. I rolled an 8, so we had eight turns for mayhem before the police showed up. 

The Los Lobos began to cautiously move forward, moving from the Taco Truck to the UPS van, while Michael moved towards the fence to get a better vantage point for shooting; Ramon fired a potshot at Grill but missed. 

A nervous Barbie stepped outside for a cigarette, and Grill moved forward to retaliate against Ramon; he sent a gout of flame towards the Los Lobos member, but Ramon managed to avoid being roasted. 

Legs was drawn outside by the noise, and Ramon rolled out of the way, firing off another ineffective shot. Moving forward, Grill got Ramon and Javier in his sites and let loose another spray of flame - wounding Javier and killing Ramon. 

Meanwhile, Michael lined up a shot and put Barbie out of action:

"Enough of this," Hector thought to himself, and jumped into the UPS van. Hotwiring it, he hit the gas as hard as he could and accelerated directly into Grill, pulping the biker under the tires.

In the confusion (and with the UPS van as added cover), Marcus and Carlos moved forward into the trailer park - Marcus to distract and take down Legs and Hogan, while Carlos hightailed it towards the other trailer. A shot from Hogan put a Shock token on Marcus and sent him tumbling for cover among the trash; Legs put a second Shock token on him with a blast from her shotgun. However, Marcus got up, shrugged off both Shock tokens, and shot Legs, putting a Wound on her. 

Meanwhile, Carlos darted and weaved towards the other trailer, leaping over the tire barricade. Unfortunately, as he landed in the yard, Big Nick erupted from the trailer.

"Heard ya was lookin' for me!" the biker roared, his submachine gun spitting lead. Bullets tore into Carlos, sending him out of action!

That could have been the end of things right there; the Los Lobos were leaderless, after all. However, the scenario didn't say anything about the attackers' Leader being killed, just whether or not the defenders' Leader was alive at the end of the game. 

Michael was still behind the fence, 11 1/2 inches away from Big Nick. Taking a deep breath, he aimed, fired, and put a round in the big biker's forehead. 

With Nick's death taking place at such a long range, I decided the surviving gang members would need to get close and verify that the biker leader was dead before they could flee the scene.

Legs struggled to her feet, and Marcus decided he wasn't having any of that; he leapt forward and pistol-whipped her back to the ground. Meanwhile, Hector made his way to the trailer to take a better look at both Big Nick and Carlos, undeterred by Hogan's ineffectual shots in his direction. 

With the deaths confirmed, Hector, Marcus and Michael loaded the wounded Javier into the UPS van and sped away, minutes ahead of the approaching police sirens. 


That was some spectacular carnage and mayhem, and the perfect start to 2025. When Grill hit both Ramon and Javier with the flamethrower I thought this game might swing towards the defenders, especially with Hogan in cover firing through a window at the attackers and Big Nick hidden deep in the second trailer. I gave the Los Lobos an extra guy since so many of them only had pistols. I think having the extra figure made a difference, especially since Javier spent the entire game on his back, too wounded to get up but not enough so to bleed out. And clearly, Hector was an MVP with that vehicular assault!

I've never used the vehicle rules for Fistful of Lead (found in Galactic Heroes 2nd edition) before, but it occurred to me that I have vehicles now, and that they can do more than just be scatter terrain. Plus, in moving it, Hector provided better cover for his teammates - it was a brief thing, but very useful and game-changing. 

I decided to roll on the recovery table under the campaign rules in Wasteland Warriors for Carlos and Ramon, since this may become a campaign this year, with different gangs fighting for control of Anytown, USA, police trying to maintain/restore order, and other events going on.

Carlos was "just winged," and so makes a full recovery and will be available to partake in the next game the Los Lobos take part in. 

Ramon needs more intensive healing; he'll miss the next game, and upon his return in the following game he'll start with a Wound. 

As for Satan's Sadists...

  • Big Nick and Grill are pushing up daisies. There's no coming back for them.
  • Legs and Barbie will recover, but will need to miss the next game. 
The Los Lobos receive 5 Renown Points, and the Sadists receive 0. 


And finally, I'm adding this to my blog posts this year - an accountability tracker for figures and terrain purchased and painted.

Figures Purchased in 2025: 0
Figures Painted in 2025: 0

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024

 Best wishes of the holiday season to everyone out there in wargaming bloggerland; may the season bring you good food, fine company and plenty of toy soldiers and reading material.

My wife Gina outdid herself this year; for the past few years I've been a big fan of the painting "Military Tactics" by Alfred Lyndon Grace, which shows two boys playing toy soldiers while their grandfather watches and offers strategic advice. It's regularly my top banner pic on Facebook and occasionally my desktop wallpaper. 

Gina went and got me a framed printed of "Military Tactics" for me to hang up on a wall somewhere here in the house; it's likely going to be the dining room, since the dining room table pulls double duty as my wargaming table. Probably going to end up being in the same spot where my dad hung his framed print of "Washington Crossing the Delaware" for many years. 

(As an aside; we spent a night at the house back in April, while my parents were on vacation, to get a sense for what the house was like at night. Gina's comment was, "there are more pictures of George Washington on the walls then there are pictures of you or your sister." Perils of being a family of historians!)

And then to top me off, she also got me an MDF building for my modern wargaming tables; a pawn shop from Atomic Laser Cut Designs. I'd first heard about ALCD from Mr. Martin at The Safe Hole, who gave them a shout-out after buying some Old West buildings from them. I'd had my eye on their "Big City Streets" line and put a couple options on my wishlist for Gina to pick from. Since a lot of my building choices are inspired by the Rust Belt surroundings I've spent my entire life in - and thus are dingy, rundown, obviously not a wealthy area - she chose the pawn shop to go along with the bingo hall and trailer park I've already got. 

Manufacturer's photo of the assembled kit

I've already got some ideas for painting and furnishing; I'm also looking at graffiti decals I can apply to the walls especially around the back of the building...

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Final Figures of 2024

Last night and this morning I parked my butt at the work bench and finished off a group of figures that have been sitting half-done since September. I might putter away on some scatter terrain over the next few days, but these are going to be the last figures I finish before the end of the year.

First up are a pair of "Black Widow" esque female special agents from Hasslefree Miniatures. The bodysuits will probably get a coat of gloss varnish after I matte spray the figures.

A pair of more heavily-armed zombie apocalypse survivors, again from Hasslefree. Trying a different color for the gun stocks here, a base of Reaper "Bronzed Shadow" highlighted with "Leather Brown."

These two, again from Hasslefree, are my favorites of this bunch. Firefighter with a very large machine gun and an older guy in a beret with an M16, painted with camouflage pants. 

And finally we have "Crazy Mark," a fireworks salesman from Black Site Studios. I got him packaged with the fireworks stall I built back in September. The detail is a bit softer on this resin figure but it's a fun sculpt; a one-armed chainsmoker selling fireworks is not something you see very often in the hobby space! 

Friday, December 20, 2024

"Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?"

 A little something I threw into my last order from Crooked Dice - "Bold Planner B," clearly intended as the villainous Hans Gruber (played by the late, great Alan Rickman) from 1988's DIE HARD. 

A former member of the Volksfrei terrorist organization, Gruber organized a heist to steal $640 million in bearer bonds from Nakatomi Tower during the annual Christmas party. Unfortunately, NY cop John McClane (Bruce Willis) was present in an attempt to repair his relationship with his wife, and was able to foil Gruber's plans.

I clipped the figure off his tab and glued him to a resin "industrial" base I'd grabbed off Etsy to represent the roof of Nakatomi Tower. 

Because it's set during a Christmas party, there's a lot of chatter on the internet about DIE HARD being a Christmas movie. I'm not that wild a fan of the film - it's fine, but not anything I feel an urgent need to rewatch every year. My wife does consider it part of her Christmas traditions though, so I painted this up as a pre-Christmas gift for her.