And we're back with the second AAR of the night, with the Force Discreet feeling confident (cocky, even) after their astonishingly successful first mission. Hot on its heels, they were redeployed - another wilderness mission along a forested stretch of highway. This time they were up against a Helion Beam-Chaser, a lightweight, almost frail creature that generates a field of intense heat around its body and can focus this into blasts of superheated plasma. While the vague description given in the Majestic 13 rules suggests an elemental sort of creature, I pulled a "Mark IA1 Assault Fiend" from the game "Legions of Steel" out to represent it; I got this some years ago when Raybox Games reissued Legions of Steel and unfortunately it looks like Raybox is no longer offering the figures.
As soon as the Force Discreet arrived at their deployment zone, a torrential storm broke out, reducing all visibility to 12". Which unfortunately meant that if they were close enough to shoot at the Beam-Chaser, they were close enough to be in range of its area-of-effect abilities - and it's powerful blast attacks.
The team's secondary objective this time was to hit two supply caches hidden in the forest on either side of the highway. The team quickly scrambled towards these objectives while laying fire into the Beam-Chaser as visibility allowed. It returned fire, quickly immolating Emilio and Ortiz.
Javier collected one supply drop, while Pilar managed to grab the other one - despite taking a blast from the Beam-Chaser that left her blinded and down to 1 hit point, and getting stunned by the monster's area-of-effect power.
Figures Purchased in 2025: 27
Figures Painted in 2025: 7
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