Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Happy Birthday to Me

Today marks 30 years so far on this funny little world.  And my mother beginning to introduce me as "my husband's son from his first marriage" - technically correct, as they've only ever been married to each other, but since she doesn't feel old enough to have a 30 year old son...

I'm not going to wax on about getting older or any such stuff and nonsense, I will merely note that I had a very nice day today, including donating blood to the Red Cross and eating a great dinner with Gina.  After dinner we swung by Just Games, I had some nice conversation with good friends, and picked up a few new figures to paint.

I figure I could use a break from the blues and golds of my Age of Sigmar army, and I've been reading over my copy of Osprey's Dragon Rampant again lately.  I'd love to play it but I suspect I'll need to provide demo armies to make that happen.  I've got several packs of Reaper Bones skeletons, courtesy of Thomas of Learning By Doing, from last year's Secret Santa exchange, so an undead army is a no-brainer of a side project.  And not just because there's a lot of empty skulls rattling around!

I know I want skeletons to be the bulk of the army, but not for it to be exclusively skeletons.  So when I saw three Reaper "Grave Wraiths," cast in translucent blue-green plastic, I knew I had a reduced model unit for Dragon Rampant on my hands.

Got them home, got them cleaned, and got them glued to some spare 40mm square bases I had laying around:

I'm thinking these will be a unit of Bellicose Foot with the Flyer and Undead (No Feelings) Fantastical rules added on.  What do you think?