Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Progress Report

 The Fireworks Stand itself is completed; I've got Mark himself and a few resin bits I want to glue into the fireworks stand still to complete, but I might leave those for another day.

Correction: I am absolutely leaving those for another day. Why? Because Goblins, that's why. 

Right now, with having just bought a house and making arrangements for insurance, a snowplow service for our driveway for the winter, and a sudden leak in our ceiling that manifested during a thunderstorm last night, I am more or less on Hobby No-Buy for the foreseeable future. I'll replace paints as they run out/dry out and buy some supplies here and there, but no new miniatures or terrain pieces for a while. Fortunately, I have quite the ample "Closet of Opportunity" to pull from. And October is in view, and that means Orctober, meaning I paint some more greenskins for my ongoing Oldhammer Orc & Goblin army. 

And I am drastically short on painted goblins. 20 archers, 10 wolf riders, and a dozen infantry with hand weapons are all I've got to show of the smaller, weedier grots. I've been meaning to get the dozen foot-sloggers bolstered up to a much more robust regiment of 40, and I think now's a perfect time to get those done. 

Here's a shot of the 40-figure movement tray loaded up with painted and unpainted goblins alike to get a sense of the project at hand. Most of these are either Knightmare Miniatures or Black Tree Design/Harlequin, but two figures here are from Midlam Miniatures - and all 40 are from the talented hands of Kev "Goblinmaster" Adams. I even got to include a fun little easter egg to reward sharp-eyed viewers; one of the goblins in the last row has thrust his club through a belt loop and is taking the time to scarf down a meat pie - one that has a rat's tail hanging out of it. 

There is a painted figure in the back row of that photo; he's one of a handful of Black Tree goblins I painted back in 2018, when I first decided I wanted to try building an all-metal Orc & Goblin army, and was still figuring out color schemes and skin tones. I wound up stripping the paint off of all of those the other day and selecting a few to repaint and include in this unit - replacing the figures with spears in the above picture with ones holding clubs or scimitars. 

I also get an extra shaman figure back for use in my army; I'd especially never been happy with the paint job I'd given him back in 2018, so looking forward to doing a better job on him this time around. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

First Project on the New Workbench

 I've inherited my father's workbench when my parents moved out of the house and my wife and I moved in; he left a few tools and such behind on it that I'm still figuring out new homes for, but I was eager to make the workbench "mine."

Clearing some space, I unpacked one of the last things I bought before we moved - "Mark's Fireworks Stand," a prepainted MDF kit from Black Site Studios that tends to only be made available for a few days on either side of the July 4th holiday - the #1 fireworks-buying holiday here in the US of A. I set to work on Saturday, September 1st, working on it a little bit at a time and allowing glue to dry.

It's a fairly simple kit, being a rectangular prism with a few bits attached - the sign on the roof, a working doorway, an interior counter. The roof lifts off allowing interior playability. All that's left to do is the awning over the windows, but I want a bottle of superglue handy for that - so another trip to the store is in order in the next few days. 

The kit also comes with Mark himself, a resin figure of a one-armed gent smoking a cigarette (to better instill confidence in consumers). I've opted to add a few additional bits inside for a bit of environmental storytelling - there will be a battered radio on the counter, and a mattress on the floor behind the counter; turns out when you're a one-armed, chainsmoking fireworks salesman, you don't earn enough to afford a fireworks stand and an apartment.