Tuesday, September 3, 2024

First Project on the New Workbench

 I've inherited my father's workbench when my parents moved out of the house and my wife and I moved in; he left a few tools and such behind on it that I'm still figuring out new homes for, but I was eager to make the workbench "mine."

Clearing some space, I unpacked one of the last things I bought before we moved - "Mark's Fireworks Stand," a prepainted MDF kit from Black Site Studios that tends to only be made available for a few days on either side of the July 4th holiday - the #1 fireworks-buying holiday here in the US of A. I set to work on Saturday, September 1st, working on it a little bit at a time and allowing glue to dry.

It's a fairly simple kit, being a rectangular prism with a few bits attached - the sign on the roof, a working doorway, an interior counter. The roof lifts off allowing interior playability. All that's left to do is the awning over the windows, but I want a bottle of superglue handy for that - so another trip to the store is in order in the next few days. 

The kit also comes with Mark himself, a resin figure of a one-armed gent smoking a cigarette (to better instill confidence in consumers). I've opted to add a few additional bits inside for a bit of environmental storytelling - there will be a battered radio on the counter, and a mattress on the floor behind the counter; turns out when you're a one-armed, chainsmoking fireworks salesman, you don't earn enough to afford a fireworks stand and an apartment. 


  1. glad to see you got things up and running.
    that's cool you got your father's old workbench.
    and also good to see something new brewing on the blog. It's always nice to read what you got cooking or WIP's.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I've really missed being able to get hobby work done over the past few weeks with the move and packing and all that. I'm hoping to be able to really dive back in and get more games happening as well.

  2. You are off to a good start Bill......sounds like Mark the fireworks salesman needs to do a property deal with his parents, too😉

    1. Thank you! My modern terrain collection is definitely influenced by the "Rust Belt" surroundings I grew up in; everything's got a layer of grime and dust and a sense of being past its prime, Mark's Fireworks Stand included.

  3. nice job. it does look like one of the ubiquitous stands that shows up around every 4th of July. 😁
