Sunday, August 18, 2024

Moving House

 Haven't had much to post about here lately - haven't done much gaming and the oppressive heat and humidity has made painting extremely difficult. And to further complicate the gaming and painting, my wife and I are moving into a house at the end of the month, leaving behind the life of renting a one-bedroom apartment. All of my painted miniatures, hobby supplies, and most of my terrain (certainly everything easily breakable) have already been moved over and stored in the nice, cool basement of the house. There's three big plastic totes - two of unpainted miniatures, and one of unpainted 3D-printed terrain - that we'll leave for the movers to carry over. 

It certainly felt like this. 

The house is actually the one I grew up in; we're buying it from my parents, who have decided they're at an age where they don't want to deal with the hassle of household maintenance any more, and offered it to us at a sensible and uninflated price. Homeownership is within our grasp!


  1. This is such wonderful news for you and I hope the move goes well!

  2. A great way to resolve the ownership of the family home for all involved, Bill....and you have a basement, you lucky man....I feel a full time, dedicated wargaming space coming on....!

    1. It's an unfinished basement with a bare cement floor, so it won't be a wargaming space, but I at least have a dedicated hobby space instead of taking up half the dining room table.
