Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Taco Tuesday

 Not much the report here, but I did finish up a 3D printed food truck, from Corvus Designs, for my modern games. My wife bought it for me as part of my gift for our anniversary last month. The color scheme is inspired by our favorite local Mexican restaurant - they have a food truck that they use for events and catering jobs that has a yellow, green and red-violet scheme. I shifted the red-violet to just straight up bright red. I think it'll be an eye-catching piece of scatter terrain, or even a battlefield objective. After all, who says no to a taco?


  1. even if it isn't much, still a great looking food truck.
    now im hungry for tacos.

    1. Thanks! And "now I'm hungry for tacos" seems to be a common response, so I'm calling that a sign of a job well done. Now to get it on the table...
