Sunday, May 14, 2023

Dem Wots Got Stickas - 20 Goblin Archers

 I've been consciously putting my phone away in the evenings, and consequently have been much, much more productive as a painter - who would have guessed it? As such, I've finished off another regiment for my Oldhammer Orc Army. 


Some of the first figures I painted, way back in 2019 when I was trying to nail down color schemes and get the hang of how I wanted to paint orc flesh, were six goblin archers; five from Knightmare Games, and one from Harlequin/Black Tree Designs. I had another four Black Tree goblins, and sometime in the last year or two I ordered two packs of goblin archers from Warmonger Miniatures. Long story short, once I went through my project box, I now had enough to put together a unit of 20, respectably deployed in two ranks of 10 to maximize how many shots they can fire. 

I also went back and upped the highlights on the original six to bring them more in line with the brighter colors I'd painted the new 14.

And for added content, here's an instance of domestic brinkmanship that occurred last night while I was working on these. Atticus, not content with only being served one helping of "Greenies" dental treats, decided to make himself at home on my painting table in hopes I'd try to bribe him into staying away from my figures.